Throughout the years, SGM has been able to forge relationships with the steel mill and recycling industries. These relationships have allowed SGM to work in conjunction with it’s customers to create solutions for specific situations which include engineering of magnetic systems to de-magnetize structural steel, creating spreader beams for cranes and separating ferrous and non-ferrous metals from wood chips.
SGM provides solutions for different applications in the recycling industry as well as raw material processing facilities including:
In the wood industry, SGM has supplied over 480 separator machines to different customers throughout the world. Today, wood is recycled for use in particle board, animal bedding, mulching and decoration as well as biomass fuel. In order for this to happen, all contaminants must be removed. The removal of ferrous immediately prior to an SGM Eddy Current Separator (ECS) type DIS is usually done by passing the wood chips through a set of SGM TMP Magnets. Having removed the ferrous metals, the ECS has optimum conditions for removing the non-ferrous metals.
Different from the wood recycling process, the slag from a domestic waste incinerator typically represents 20% of the total incinerated waste, with an average metal content of up to 10%. To recover these metals, SGM recommends the installation of a “fines line” made up of a Dynamic Head Pulley Magnet (type DSRP) and a High Frequency Eddy Current (type VIS). For the larger fractions (>10mm), SGM has specific technology built for this application which includes Sandjet Machines, Air Sensor Sorters and High Gradient Head Pulley Magnets, which all together will recover ferrous metals, insulated and bare wire, stainless steel, aluminum and other non-ferrous metals.
Today, most of the domestic waste doesn’t reach the incinerators but instead it is sent directly to land fills where they are “controlled” to prevent polluting the environment. SGM has worked closely with different domestic recycling facilities to provide recycling solutions to the “untreated” domestic waste in order to recover valuable metals, plastics, and other recyclable products like paper. With a full staff of knowledgeable engineers worldwide, SGM is always looking for local solutions to global problems providing reliable equipment that recovers the most.